…con distintos ritmos! José Pedro Croft


...con distintos ritmos!

José Pedro Croft presents a series of drawings in which he uses techniques such as engraving, ink and varnish. The combination of these techniques in one piece forces the layered work into different timings. In the application of gouache is necessarily more accelerated and spontaneous; ink, applied sometimes in the way of drippings, requires a different gesture. Engraving, on the other hand, is a more refined technique that requires more precision; the application of varnish and the drawing of lines are longer work processes, they require greater concentration and follow a meditated work-plan. In this way, José Pedro amalgamates different creative processes in one single work.

The sculptures composed of iron, mirrors and glass, are reconstructions of prior structures. José Pedro reuses structures that had been initially conceived as sculptures to be placed on the ground, he dismantles them and recomposes them transforming the materials into corner volumes, granting them a second life, locating them close to neither the ground nor the ceiling.